How to Make a Suicide Safety Plan

If you suffer from depression, the possibility always exists that at some point you may have thoughts about harming yourself. Unfortunately, when you are in the midst of a crisis, you will probably not be thinking clearly or making the best choices. For this reason, it is a very good idea to make a suicide safety […]

When Friends and Family Don’t Understand Depression

When you have depression, it can be very helpful knowing that your friends and family are in your corner.  But what can you do when they just don’t understand depression?  Or, worse, maybe they’re even hostile towards you, blaming you for your illness or saying things that make you feel completely discouraged?  If you are […]

How to Sleep Better to Feel Better

Getting a good night’s sleep is very important in how you feel. If your sleep is of poor quality, it can leave you feeling tired, grumpy and blue the next day. And, over time, not getting enough restful sleep can lead to feelings of depression. A very important part of both preventing and relieving your […]

Five Stages of Grief After Suicide

Warning: The following content may be a trigger to some, as it refers to the five stages of grief after suicide .  Reader discretion is advised. Megan SchalkMegan is a Clinical Psychology major at Roosevelt University who specializes in mental health.  She sympathizes and connects deeply with the struggles of those living with mental illness.

Suicide and Substance Abuse: How You Can Help a Loved One

According to recent studies, individuals who have been treated for alcohol or substance abuse are about 10 times more likely than members of the general population to die by suicide. The news is often filled with stories of celebrities and others in the public eye who battled a very private addiction and then ended their […]

To-Do List Can Shut Off Rumination and Help You Sleep

Do you find yourself unable to fall asleep at night because you can’t stop thinking about how much you need to get done the next day? Baylor University researchers say the key to falling asleep may be taking some time before bed to jot down a to-do list. The lead scientist on the study, Michael […]

Suicide and Men: Risks and Resources for Help

Suicide is a tragedy that impacts all types of people in the United States. While it can impact all different kinds of families, there are some characteristics that can signal those who are most at risk of considering suicide. Those who are having suicidal thoughts need to know that there are resources that can provide […]